TRAX JH LTD has pioneered the development of lead-free balance weights and is now offering a range of quality lead-free weights for car steel and alloy wheels made from tin alloy as developed in conjunction with ITRI Ltd (formerly the International Tin Research Institute). These lead-free weights enjoy the same performance as those traditionally manufactured from lead.
Around 2/3rds the density of lead, a 30 gram tin weight will be approximately the same size as a 20g lead weight. This has not found to affect the balance performance. In addition weights made from tin alloy used by TRAX JH LTD are quite ductile, allowing body mass to bend and offer a fit to steel and alloy wheels in the same manner as weights traditionally made from lead.
For Further Information Contact:
John Hallé
Severn Farm Enterprise Park
Welshpool, Powys, SY21 7df, UK
Tel: +44(0)1938 554297
Fax: +44(0)1938 554597